The App’s Random Number Generation function uses the well-known Mersenne Twister algorithm, also used in Excel’s RAND built-in function the Excel Analysis ToolPak uses an older random number generator algorithm.

Results from the App will generally match the Excel Analysis ToolPak, as seen in many textbooks, screen images and videos.

The coefficient on new to hat is minus point Oh, 57 with 80 statistic of minus one point. Once the Add-Ins window appears, check the boxes for Analysis ToolPak. Okay, we at new sub to hat to the original equation. You can find scores of articles, videos and tutorials useful for this App by searching for “analysis toolpak”. At the bottom of the window, where it says Manage: Excel Add-Ins click Go 5. The steps in setting up a Logistic Regression analysis are the same as those for a Linear Regression, but the output or Y variable will have a binary value (0 or 1). For all the functions listed below except Logistic Regression, you will find that online Help for the Excel Analysis ToolPak generally applies to the corresponding functions in the XLMiner Analysis ToolPak App. The 20 functions provided by the App are listed below.